1. How to pay for your order by E-transfer?
You wish to pay by Email Money Transfer. At your earliest convenience , please send your e- Transfer to :
A secondary email containing the answer to your security question must also be sent to : payments@atlassoapandcandlesupplies.com.
To send an Email (Interac) Transfer:
1. Login to your bank's online banking services.
2.Choose Pay Bills and Transfer and in the menu options,
Select Email Transfer.
3. Select atlas soap and candle supplies as the recipient or add atlas soap and candle supplies as a new Payee by entering: payments@atlassoapandcandlesupplies.com
Fill in the Interac e- transfer information:
1. Dollar amount
2. Account from which to withdraw the funds
3. A Security question that only we, as the recipient, will know the answer to, and optional personal message.
4. Send the answer to your Security question in a separate email to :
Follow the instructions to confirm the information and complete the transfer.
Your bank will provide you with a confirmation number for the sent payment.
Should you require assistance , please send us at atlas soap and candle supplies an
email at : support@atlassoapandcandlesupplies.com
and we will be happy to assist you in completing the payment for your order.
Thank you for your business and we look forward to serving you for many years to come.
atlas soap and candle supplies.